Monday, May 14, 2012

Inhumanly Interpolated

Blog-post # 295:
(295 = 5*59.)

Distilled Into Calculuses

Interpolated Pity Of Inhuman Guilt

Approximately Confused Algebras

Atonally Interplexiform

Pulsations Of An Eclipse

Cornea Never Coronal

(The name "Interpolated Pity Of Inhuman Guilt" I like much.)


One anagram only:

Into some, sins are added,
as dead dimensions tore.


You notice them giant semicircles
left in the cornfield,.. probably
left by them aliens?

Yeah, they're...



(Speaking of^..)

They say, "We are not alone."

Yes, true, *WE* are not alone,..
by definition.

*I*, however, *am* alone.


You know what is terrible?..

Being tearable...


"My tailbone is killing me!"

"Well, you, sir, have a..
'toxic coccyx'."


I might EVEN count
by multiples of 2!..

(Or, oddly, not.)


Horrid-looking sadists are..


Do the kids call it..
"algae-bra" class??

No one wants an ALGAE bra..'


This Black Death we have
blacked-out; and the
black-out itself is
forgotten, despite our
inability to forget
even our inabilities.
Ah, it all is quite a..

Mnemonic Plague.

(But why is the word
"mnemonic" itself
relatively difficult
to remember how
to spell?
For, "m"s and "n"s
keep getting
interchanged when
I try to spell it.)



1 comment:

kikinotdee said...

Interpolated Pity Of Inhuman Guilt
This one is my favourite Mick Jagger springs to mind :D