Distant Immaterialism
Divergent Unease
By "Unimagination", I mean the part of the mind that imagines the unimaginable.
Today is 9-11. (Sirens blaring. Wooooo wooooo!
9-11! 9-11! 9-11! 9-11! ...
It's 9-11, 24-7! Woooooooo!)
Okay, I got that off my mind. Let's continue.
Maybe we should play a drinking game today. Every time the news mentions "9-11", drink a shot.
Man, we would end up drunk!
Hey, I have an idea for a drinking game.
You drink every time someone mentions a drinking game where you drink every time someone mentions a drinking game where you drink every time someone mentions a drinking game where you drink every time someone mentions a drinking game where... ad infinitum.
You get the idea.
Would you EVER take a drink with this game?
No, I'm not a non-drinker.
I just enjoy self-referentialisms.
Forever, it spins,....
Okay, a poem. The last 3 days I have written three poems, which are all just barely not good enough to post on this blog. So, I will post one of these poems anyway, but which one?.... I think I will post the one I wrote TODAY! Yay!
Asymmetries Of Triangles
The asymmetries of triangles protrude both
Rightward and leftward; yet they are obtuse;
These asymmetries, these non-existential
Existences are broadly angled, uninterestingly.
And flat upon their topsides, polygons of absurd
Irregularities rotate slightly and despise their
Increments. But they are as spheres of
Nonconforming weirdness -- they explode unto
Madness, mania, and all calculuses. Downwardly,
These apexes are laterally contained. Oh, they
Face their finitudes probably curved and
Certainly numerical. Yes, of the asymmetries of
Shapes without asymmetries, this is a complicated
Postulate made into its inconsistency.
But I succeeded to write of that which is
Unwritten. And I triumph in my contemplation
Of words and forms unimaginable. Because I
Am human -- I am psychotic -- I am an
Atrocious demon. And I am asymmetrical
Within my lobed mind. Yet I am, as such, balanced
As all triangles, despite their geometries,
Despite the circles that describe us each
So figuratively.
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