(305 = 5*61.)
Six new images..
(For your six-ual pleasure..)
Infinity Embodied Genetically
Zeroness Not Oscillating
Forewarned Of Rhymes
Elaborate Oversimplification
Then To Be As Entropy
Some anagrams:
Sin shames our
satanic zeitgeist.
It is as genetic
as us or the Nazism.
We are only a hated sadist,
then so deadly aware as it.
A rhyme forgotten;
ah, not of my regret.
We once bloomed as I,
all for ourselves.
So, flowers became
ill, aroused no love.
We are under-aware..
of our underwear..
(And the spirituality
has become only the..
spies' rituality.)
They say the very earliest
of birds were probably
THAT is why those early birds
got the worm.
(Because who is going to
argue with a dinosaur-bird?
Definitely not the worm!
"Please kill me painlessly, oh,
great mighty dinosaur-bird.")
"Infinity" is "In" "Finity",
.. "in" finitude?
Then I would have thought it
must be smaller than any finite number.
It probably should have been
called "outfinity" instead,
for OUTSIDE-finitude.
(And "eternal" is "external"
to finitude.)
Some relatively easy anagram puzzles:
(Each answer is 1 word
except where otherwise noted.)
1) What we always very much "hated".
2) She drinks this to feel like
a "teenager" again.
(2 words)
3) A relationship makes us want
to "strut" when there is this.
4) What can happen to those whose
cars have "retreads".
5) This awakens at "night".
6) It does "so thaw" because it..
(2 words)
7) In the "drawer" for you is a...
8) After my "mad end", I will be...
(Answers to be posted by me in
the comment section of this post.)
the comment section of this post.)
Anagram answers:
(Beware if you don't want to see these yet!)
1) What we always very much "hated".
2) She drinks this to feel like
a "teenager" again.
(2 words)
"Green Tea"
3) A relationship makes us want
to "strut" when there is this.
4) What can happen to those whose
cars have "retreads".
5) This awakens at "night".
6) It does "so thaw" because it..
(2 words)
"Was Hot"
7) In the "drawer" for you is a...
(= "drawer" spelled-backwards)
8) After my "mad end", I will be...
:)Leroy how do you come up with the names for your art ?
(Yay, Kiki is commenting again!)...
":)Leroy how do you come up with the names for your art ?"
That is a long story..
Well, not a story, more like a long poem.
I know I've been caught up in real world stuff for a while.
You still didn't answer me or am I getting a poem? or did you already write the poem in a previous post? or am I being really blond ?
and even if I don't comment on all of your posts I do play catch up and comment on your last post like I did with this one :)
some of your jokes make me laugh, some are terrible and some just baffle me, some times you're funny, some times you're weired, some times you're sweet and some times you're angry, but you are always interesting.
There I hope I made up for my absence now answer the question Quet. :D
I'm complexly complex -- that is my complex.
But.. What was the question?..
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